Lauren Hamrick

Do you seek motivation, inspiration, direction, and to explore the possible? Then coaching is for you!

You’ve probably witnessed the benefits of coaching in sports, fitness, and health. You may have experienced professional coaching in the workplace, but have you considered coaching in your personal life?

If not, this is a missed opportunity – an opportunity not just to survive life, but to thrive!

Lauren's Coaching Vision

I see a coach as an elevator. It is my job is to support individuals who are motivated to create change, and my mission is to create a safe, powerful place to move you forward.


What does Coaching Look Like?

Together we will create a plan to utilize your strengths while uncovering your limiting beliefs and practices that keep you stuck. I believe in awakening my clients to what is possible, using education and tangible, research-based techniques that equip you to achieve your goals. I believe in honesty and directness, so you know what I’m thinking. I empower you, as you are the one responsible for your

Who are my clients?

My clients are the parents who want to have a plan in place before their kids are teenagers, or the professional striving to balance strong emotions at work. My client is the achiever who can’t break habit that’s holding them back. It’s the parent who is successful at work but feels like a failure at home. My clients are the young couple who want a plan before becoming parents. My client is even the motivated teenager who seems to succeed at much but needs to learn how to manage stress effectively. My client can be you!

Lauren’s Background

I am a coach, but I am also a licensed professional counselor. I hold a masters and specialist degree, and soon to be doctorate in psychological fields. The coaching session is not a mental health session, but my 20+ years of mental health expertise grants me the ability to view my clients from an educated, multifaceted lens. I am also a Christian, and if that is something you wish to incorporate into your coaching – that’s possible!

Are you curious about coaching?

I’d love to speak with you. I am open to quick consultation sessions for those who are interested or have questions, and I look forward to joining you on this journey.

Contact Lauren Hamrick