Mindfulness EMDR Coaching

What is Mindful EMDR Coaching and who can it help?

Mindful EMDR Coaching helps individuals who feel disconnected from their bodies, people stuck in a particular area of life, or with a limiting belief. Here are some examples of who might benefit from Mindful EMDR:

  • Mental Obstacles – You have mental obstacles about yourself or some aspect of your life that you cannot overcome. For example;  I’m unmarriable, I’ll never be a success, I cannot see myself as competent.
  • Lack of Confidence – I need more certainty that I can do the bold things I’m trying to accomplish in my life.
  • Limiting Beliefs – You got a promotion, and now you’re trying to get over the mental hurdles to succeed in it  (I am not smart enough, I am a fraud)
  • Negative Beliefs – I have negative beliefs about myself in a variety of categories.
  • Distressing Memories – Prior negative experiences are holding me back like a negative experience with a coworker, colleague or teammate.
  • Low Self-Esteem – I have negative self-talk that gets in my way of moving forward (No one will want to date me, or I am not pretty enough)
  • Negative Responses – I’m immediately defensive when things don’t go my way.
  • Lack of Vision for the Future  – I’ve hit a plateau. It is difficult for me to dream about where to go and grow.

What is EMDR?

We use different coaching techniques to help you find freedom in difficult areas. One of our specialized techniques is EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). This technique allows you to find and shift key limiting beliefs and overcome past negative frames at the root level. Then you will be able to embrace new thoughts about the future. Breakthrough EMDR Coaching uses a process modified for this coaching format.

EMDR is commonly used in therapy settings to relieve PTSD and the effects of abuse, trauma, grief, or other issues. In this setting, we will specifically target the use of EMDR in the areas where you experience limitations in your memories or feelings. Together we will discover the thoughts and experiences that shaped your present-day sense of who you are. Next, we will help you get to a place of new freedom from the things holding you back. In addition, we can help you build useful resources so that you can move into the future in new ways.

How is Mindful EMDR Coaching different from counseling?

Simply put, therapy or counseling can include coaching, but coaching does not include therapy. Therapy will take into account your medical care and needs and could provide long-term support. In contrast, coaching will be brief and will focus on reaching specific goals or obtaining certain outcomes in your life. Our coaching model is 100% virtual and can take place in any private and quiet location.

Additionally, Mindful EMDR can help you connect your thoughts with your body and your beliefs. This type of coaching can help consolidate and strengthen what your head knows, but you struggle to really believe. For example, maybe a part of you knows you are not a failure. You have achieved success in your field, obtained professional milestones, or higher education. AND yet, there is a part of you that has trouble celebrating those wins, and the idea of slowing down or taking time off makes you uncomfortable. Mindful EMDR can help you unlock a deep sense of confidence to allow you to move forward and release your inner critic.

Ready to Grow?

Are you ready to make some positive changes and unlock your potential? If so, the time is now! Over the next few months, Rebeca Gilbert will accept a limited number of new clients for Mindful EMDR Coaching. If you, or someone you know, might be a good fit, please reach out to her and let her know of your interest, and we’ll schedule an exploratory call.

Please recognize that coaching services tend to be planned for longer intervals and have more premium pricing attached to these advanced services. Rebeca will be glad to answer your questions and can be reached at rebeca@restorationcoachingatl.com.